Asia Pacific Network Operators Group

APNOG Corporate Information

APNOG Ltd is an Australian Company Limited by Guarantee (ACN 633 052 829).

The APNOG Secretariat can be reached by email via secretariat (at) apnog (dot) org.

APNOG Ltd's registered address is Unit 3, 13 Veronica Street, Capalaba, QLD 4157, Australia

APNOG Ltd's mailing address is PO Box 1908, Milton, QLD 4064, Australia.

Company Limited by Guarantee

APNOG is a not-for-profit organisation. All the money APNOG raises through sponsorship of APRICOT is used to minimise the delegate fee to make APRICOT more accessible to more people, and is also used to support the network operator groups around the region.

A Company Limited by Guarantee means an unlisted public company that cannot pay dividends and is therefore often used by not-for-profit organisations and charities.

APNOG's Constitution explains in more detail how APNOG operates, and the responsibilities of the Board and the Membership.

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