Asia Pacific Network Operators Group
APNOG Board Meetings
The APNOG Board meets for a
video conference call once per month to discuss issues of
the day. The Board also tries to meet face to face at least
two if not three times a year, during Internet conferences
taking place in the AP region.
Resolutions of the APNOG Board
- 20240822-1: The Board resolved to reaffirm long term
operational policy for APRICOT Summits, namely that The APNOG Board
adheres to international travel advisories as published by
stakeholder economies when making decisions about hosting and
delivery of APRICOT Summits. Should a host economy receive
international travel advice rating of "defer non-essential travel"
within 6 months of the start date of the Summit, the Board will move
the Summit to one of its planned backup locations.
- 20240822-2: The Board resolved that due to the current
travel advisory situation advising not to travel to, or avoiding
non-essential travel to Bangladesh, APRICOT 2025 cannot proceed
in Dhaka as planned. The Board is working with the APRICOT team to
finalise the backup location and expects to make an announcement in
- 20240725-1: As part of the Membership bootstrap process,
the Board resolves to invite past individual members of APIA who were
current as of the AGM 2019, and who have participated in-person at a
minimum of one of APRICOT 2020, APRICOT 2023, or APRICOT 2024, to join
APNOG as an ordinary member (as per Sections 4.1, 4.2 & 4.4 of the
- 20240606-1: The Board noted its resolution 20240224-2
and requested the Executive Director start the process of
expanding APNOG membership.
- 20240430-1: The Board noted its resolution 20240224-2
and confirmed that the annual membership fee for APNOG Members would be
US$100. The Board requested the Executive Director to issue invoices
to all members.
- 20240430-2: The Board resolved, following clarification
from NANOG about their February 2026 event dates, that APRICOT 2026 will be
held in Jakarta, Indonesia, and would be hosted by IDNIC, the
Indonesia Network Information Centre. APRICOT 2026 conference days will be
held between 9th and 12th February 2026.
- 20240224-1: The Board resolves that all future APRICOTs
will prioritise local sourcing wherever practical.
- 20240224-2: The Board resolves to invite the Programme and
Fellowship Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs to join APNOG as members.
- 20240224-3: The Board resolves to partner with the national
and regional NOGs to assist in identifying and recruiting fellowship
candidates for the APRICOT Fellowship programme.
- 20231006-1: The Board agreed to appoint Mark Tinka, Mark
Duffell, and Vincent "Achie" Atienza as the Chairs of the APRICOT
2024 Programme Committee.
- 20231006-2: The Board agreed to appoint Aftab Siddiqui
and Rupesh Shrestha as the Chairs of the APRICOT 2024 Fellowship
- 20231006-3: The Board agreed that APNOG General Manager,
Philip Smith, will lead the APRICOT 2024 Working Committee.
- 20231006-4: The Board agreed that Yoshinobu Matsuzaki
will lead the APRICOT 2024 Technical Committee.
- 20231005-1: Board is committed to ensuring the continued
success and relevance of the APRICOT Summit fellowship program and
acknowledges that changes are essential to furthering the goals and
objectives of APNOG. The APRICOT Fellowship Programme has been
completely overhauled, and will be a new activity launched for
APRICOT 2024. The Fellowship will run for the duration of the
event, and is designed to appeal to leading members of the
technical and operational Internet community in LDCs and Developing
Countries (as defined by the UN and the Australian
- 20230928-1: The Directors unanimously agreed to elect Gavin
Tweedie as the Chair of the APNOG Board.
- 20230928-2: The Directors unanimously agreed that the other
office bearers remain in their existing roles: Matsuzaki Yoshinobu
is reconfirmed as Deputy Chair, Ole Jacobsen is reconfirmed as
Secretary, and Raphael Ho is reconfirmed as Treasurer.
- 20230912-1: The Directors agreed unanimously to appoint
Philip Smith as General Manager of APNOG with immediate effect.
Philip steps down from his Director position on the APNOG Board and
now serves in ex-officio capacity.
- 20230912-2: The Directors agreed to resume the community
meetings held during APRICOT, paused because of the transition of APIA
to APNOG and then the ensuing pandemic. The Directors will host this
meeting during APRICOT 2024 in Bangkok.
- 20230912-3: The Directors agreed to explore pathways to
membership for the community to join and participate in APNOG's
future. This pathway will be explored with APNOG's Legal Advisors in
accordance with the rules relating to Companies Limited by
- 20230601-1: The Directors resolved that APRICOT 2024 will
be located in Bangkok, Thailand, at the end of February 2024. The
Board noted that APRICOT 2024 will be hosted by the THNIC
- 20230601-2: The Directors resolved that APRICOT 2025 will
be located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, at the end of February 2025. The
Board noted that APRICOT 2025 will be hosted by the ISP Association
of Bangladesh.
- 20230601-3: The Directors resolved that APNOG would support
the 2023 MANRS programme, facilitated by the Internet Society.
- 20230323-1: The Directors resolved that the APNOG Board
should resume regular (monthly) Board meetings via video conference
and in-person if feasible.
- 20230323-2: The Board resolved that the APRICOT Fellowship
programme be revamped for future APRICOT events to focus on NOG
leaders, in place of the open call.
- 20230323-3: The Board resolved that the APRICOT Technical
Training programme (Workshops) be redsigned to focus on specialist
operational technology topics where training is not normally
- 20230323-4: The Board resolved to request Asia Pacific
Internet Association Pty Ltd to revamp the sponsorship agreement
used for APRICOT to bring it up to best current operational
- 20230226-1: The Board agreed that, because of the serious
financial constraints and geopolitical instabilities in the region,
it felt unable to continue with the rotation of the APRICOT Summit
around the Asia Pacific region, even though resumption was agreed
with APNIC EC in September 2022. The Board noted that APNOG would
work with the APNIC Secretariat following agreement by the APNIC
EC to ensure that the APRICOT Summit is geographically well
separated from the location of the APNIC September conference
but would no longer be bound to hold an event in any particular
- 20230226-2: The Board further resolved that taking APRICOT
to Bangladesh (as per rotation) will be postponed until it
is feasible (operationally and geopolitically) to do so. The
Board requested Philip to discuss with representatives of the
Bangladesh Internet Operations community.
- 20230226-3: The Board agreed that sponsorship of APRICOT
Summits is open to all organisations that are members of our
- 20221222-1: The Board agreed that Matsuzaki Yoshinobu
should send flowers and prepare a message of condolence for the family
of Toru Takahashi who passed away on 20th December 2022. The Board
paid tribute to Toru's key role in APIA and in the establishment of
APRICOT, as well as his outstanding leadership and mentorship in the
region's Internet development.
- 20220914-1: The Board participated in APNOG's first AGM.
- 20220914-2: The Board resolved not to replace Jian Zhang's
position as Director for the time being, noting that APNOG's by-laws
allow for between 3 and 7 Directors.
- 20220914-3: The Board noted that previous attempts at
holding an AGM had to be postponed due to the pandemic.
- 20220914-4: The Board noted the Memorandum of Agreement
between APIA and APNOG Ltd re the transfer of responsiblities and
liabilities for APRICOT from APIA to APNOG Ltd.
- 20220914-5: The Board noted the Facilitation Agreement
between APNOG Ltd and Asia Pacific Internet Association Pty Ltd re the
operational delivery of the annual APRICOT Summit.
- 20220914-6: The Board noted the Memorandum of Understanding
between APNOG Ltd and the Internet Society with regard to capacity
building and MANRS in the Asia Pacific region.
- 20220906-1: The Board and APNIC EC agreed to resume the
rotation of APRICOT Summits and APNIC mid-year conference around the
four sub-regions of Asia Pacific.
- 20220726-1: The Board accepted the resignation of Jian
Zhang as Director.
- 20220721-1: The Board agreed that the APRICOT 2023
Summit should support the APstar Retreat but emphasised that the
Retreat needs to reform itself to return to its roots of
information sharing and considering matters of strategic
operational significance for the Internet in the Asia Pacific
region and beyond. The Board noted that the Retreat is
operationally less relevant than in the past, focusing on
activities out of scope of APRICOT, and being used as a marketing
and public relations tool by some participating organisations.
- 20220425-1: The Board agreed to take over the community
hosting rack at the Equinix Singapore datacentre, currently being
supported by APIA.
- 20210408-1: Directors Raphael Ho and Aftab Siddiqui signed
a facilitation agreement with the Asia Pacific Internet Association
Pty Ltd (APIA) for APIA to operate the annual APRICOT Summit and
support the network operator community (and NOGs) in the Asia and
Pacific regions.
- 20210330-1: The Board of Directors signed a Circulating
Resolution to appoint Asia Pacific Internet Association Pty Ltd
(APIA) to operate the annual APRICOT Summit and support the
network operator community (and NOGs) in the Asia and Pacific
regions, and to authorise Directors Aftab Siddiqui and Raphael
Ho to sign the agreement with APIA on behalf of APNOG.
- 20201223-1: The Board of Directors and the APNIC EC agreed
to pause the rotation of APRICOT Summits and the mid-year APNIC
Conference until such times in-person meetings become feasible
again. The next in-person APRICOT Summit will be held in Manila once it
becomes possible to do so, and the next in-person APNIC Conference
will be in East Asia following the Manila APRICOT.
- 20201223-2: The Board of Directors agreed that all APRICOT
Summits which have to be held as virtual events due to the COVID-19
pandemic will be delivered in full partnership with the intended
host had the Summit been held in-person. APRICOT 2021 will be in
partnership with the Philippine Internet Community and, should it
need to be held as a virtual event, APRICOT 2022 will be delivered in
partnership with the Bangladesh Internet community.
- 20200811-1: The Board of Directors agreed that, due to the
ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic disaster, APRICOT 2021 will be
held as a virtual event rather than as a physical event. APRICOT 2021 remains
an event held in full partnership with PhNOG and the Philippine
Internet community.
- 20200426-1: Following the decision of APNIC to move their
September 2020 conference to be an online event, the APNOG Board
agreed in principle that APRICOT 2022 will be held in Dhaka,
Bangladesh, in partnership with the ISP Association of Bangladesh
and the Bangladesh Internet community.
- 20200320-1: The APNOG Board completed the signing of a
Memorandum of Understanding with the Internet Society regarding
capacity building and routing security across the Asia Pacific
- 20200312-1: Following the successful conclusion of APRICOT
2020 in Melbourne, the Board agreed to adjust the APRICOT format so
that there would be a maximum of three parallel tracks through
the conference week, to improve the accessibility of all content
to participants.
- 20200221-1: The APNOG Board made the public announcement
that APRICOT 2021 will be held in Manila, Philippines, and hosted
by PhNOG and the Philippine Internet community.
- 20200116-1: The Board of Directors unanimously agreed the
location and partner for APRICOT 2021. The decision will be made
public during the Closing Plenary of APRICOT 2020.
- 20200116-2: The Board of Directors agreed that every effort
will be made to host APRICOT 2024 in Fiji.
- 20190902-1: The Board of Directors endorsed a revised Memorandum
of Understanding between APNOG and APNIC. This MoU supercedes the
previous MoUs which APNIC held with APRICOT and APIA.
- 20190801-1: The Board of Directors approved the
establishment of bank accounts for APNOG with Suncorp Bank.
- 20190801-2: The Board of Directors noted that APNOG Ltd
would be listed in the Australian Business Register (thereby
receiving an ABN), as well as being registered for GST.
- 20190701-1: The Board of Directors of APRICOT formally become
the Board of Directors of APNOG. The Board agreed that all future
activities previously undertaken as the APRICOT Board will now be
undertaken as the APNOG Board.
- 20190701-2: The Board of Directors approved the formal
transfer of all contractual liabilities and obligations of APIA to
APNOG. In return, APIA agreed to pay all monies collected for
organising APRICOT Summits towards future Summit costs, as directed
- 20190701-3: The Board of Directors approved the transfer of
responsibility of organisating APRICOT Summits to APNOG.
- 20190701-4: The Board of Directors noted that the Special
Committee of the Asia Pacific Internet Association Pty Ltd, up until
now known as APRICOT, will revert to using the name APIA. The Board of
Directors of APNOG Ltd remain as Directors of the APIA Special
Past Board Decisions and Resolutions
APRICOT and APIA Board decisions and resolutions back to 2002 are
recorded here.
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